Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Walking through the Ricks today I realized several important things. First, I think way too much and I absolutely love that about myself. I am starting to recognize the small buzz that comes with Spring and my legs are petitioning me to sleep in the Ricks so that I dont have to walk so far every day. As I came through the first floor sitting area I noticed for the first time in a long time how warm and excited everyone seemed to be. I could hear little bits a pieces of conversations about spring time, sunshine, and the significant need to play in the dirt. I could almost hear the birds chirping in the trees and hear the hum of the bumble bees on grandmas front porch again. I miss falling asleep to the sound of crickets at night. But I am so grateful for my time here on campus. I left the Ricks and headed down the hill and the wind was blowing like crazy. My hair was making me look like cousin it so I turned around to try to use the wind to get it straight and right in line with my view was the Rexburg temple. Sparkling in the sunlight in all its power and glory. I am so full of gratitude today.



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